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Sell in our auctions

We are at your disposal:


- If you want to increase your visibility on the web and increase your customer base, reaching them across the world.
- You are in possession of one or more objects that you feel you want to enter in one of the auction design and decorative arts. If you own an entire collection and want provarea create your own online auction, to promote your brand and your products.

We will arrive directly at your site, giving you photo shoot, the production of the catalog and communication materials.

You can send us photographs of your items via email, without moving the items from their home. The images must be in .jpg format, in color and at least 4-5 per item (including any marks or labels).
Their resolution must not exceed 300 kb. Their size should be of 1600x1200 pixels maximum. Accompanied each batch of a description of the object, the materials, the year, the designer and manufacturer if available.
Add any references at your disposal.


    Â· Objects Rating
    Â· Making photographs
    Â· Production Catalogue Italian /English online
    Â· Publication of the online catalog
    Â· Management auction results
    Â· Contact Management with customers and shipments
    Â· Creation of promotional media for the auction
    (Newsletter of their own or of delivery contacts

database, section dedicated website and social networks, press reviews of online magazine ...)

For any information please contact

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